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What is it ?

Companies that are not listed on the Stock Exchanges are known as Unlisted Companies. There are more than 20 lakh companies that are registered in India out of which 95% are unlisted. As the Indian economy grows and completes its journey from the fifth-largest economy in the world to the third-largest economy, we would see more and more companies becoming listed.

  • Most exhaustive financial data with more than 50 data points carefully taken from the Annual reports of the listed companies.
  • Latest interface like excel that makes analysis much easier and simpler.
  • Users can customize the look and feel of the website by adding data points of their choice.
  • Availability of data of unlisted companies and option to build community.
  • Run queries and screener for both listed and unlisted companies.

How can i benefit ?

  • If you are a long-term investor and want to invest in India's growth story and find out the hidden opportunities in the unlisted space then you can get the financial information on Stock Knocks and do extensive research.
  • If you are a financial service provider or a market intermediary, you can contact these unlisted companies to sell your services and products. You can contact these companies by tagging them and posting a message on the Stock Knocks community page AND also you can send them direct mail. The mailing details are available on the Stock Knocks page for FREE.
  • If you are an unlisted company, there is a hidden opportunity for you also as you can now contact other companies and build community and do business.

How easy it is for me to start using its features ?

The website is designed in such a manner that the user can smoothly use it and have a great experience.

If you want to know how it works, check out this video

Explore Our Unlisted Zone

Have a sneak peak of our unlisted companies, where analysis made easier.

Examples of some shares that have grown big

Transaction process ?

Can a newbie investor get any profit here ?